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Центр методической работы и информационных технологий в сфере образования

Социально-деловая среда Agartu


Дворец школьников

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1st September- Educations day

On September 1, 2022, a solemn lineup for grades 0-9 was held at the KSU "Gornovskaya Basic School". The solemn line was opened by the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, after which I.the auditor of the school Musylmanbekov A.K. congratulated all those present on the holiday and wished success in mastering knowledge. The first September morning brings with it something new, leading students along unexplored roads of knowledge. This is the beginning of a great school journey for first graders and the start of the last school year for ninth graders. In grades 1-9, on September 1, 2022, classroom teachers held class hours on the topic "Striving for knowledge, hard work and patriotism", dedicated to the Year of Children. As part of the class hour, the class leaders organized a joint discussion of the formation and development of values such as the pursuit of knowledge, patriotism and diligence, to reveal the importance of friendly relationships, responsibility and respect for each other.
In order to improve the military-patriotic education of young people, according to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 12, 2017 No. 347 "On approval of the Rules of initial military training", on September 1, a "Lesson of Courage" was held in grades 8-9, which was attended by Musina Sayransharipovich, a veteran combatant of Afghanistan. The Afghan soldier highlighted in his story the role of friendship, soldier's support, gave the guys valuable life advice about loving their country, their parents, and honestly performing military duty. He advised the young men to play sports more actively, since good physical fitness is always useful not only in the army, but also in life. He wished the children to live in peace and

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