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Центр методической работы и информационных технологий в сфере образования

Социально-деловая среда Agartu


Дворец школьников

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Prevention of neglect, the intersection of illegal activities of adolescents

       In order to prevent neglect, to cross illegal activities by adolescents, to protect their rights and legitimate interests, to identify adults who involve minors in criminal and antisocial activities, to identify family unhappiness, effective from 20 November 2017, an operative preventive action "Teenager" was conducted. during this event in KSU "Secondary School No. 40 named after D.M. Karbyshev "were: the inspector of the juvenile police of the LOVD OAP LOVD of Petropavlovsk city, the captain of the police Shorakulova U.B. ; captain of the police UIP OUP MPS UVD Petropavlovsk Khodko P.V. and the prosecutor of the North Kazakhstan transport prosecutor's office, the first class lawyer Makshanov AA on the topic: "Zero tolerance for disorder and delinquency", "Sexual inviolability of minors", the Railway - a zone of increased danger "," Traumatism ".

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