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Центр методической работы и информационных технологий в сфере образования

Социально-деловая среда Agartu


Дворец школьников

Все новости

Give a smile to the world

With a Smile

With a smile the winter snow will melt
With a smile will joy and happiness abound
Share your smile with everyone you've met
And their smiles will just be shining all around

And the clouds way up high 
Will be dancing in the sky
And the air will be filled with joy and laughter
With a brook the river starts, 
Seedlings grow into big plants,
So a smile becomes a friendship ever after.
With a brook the river starts, 
Seedlings grow into big plants,
So a smile becomes big friendship ever after.

With a smile no longer rain will cry
And a rainbow will awake in gloomy forest
Nightingales return into the sky
They are glad to sing again in lovely chorus

And the clouds way up high 
Will be dancing in the sky
And the air will be filled with joy and laughter
With a brook the river starts, 
Seedlings grow into big plants,
So a smile becomes big friendship ever after.
With a brook the river starts, 
Seedlings grow into big plants,
So a smile becomes big friendship ever after.

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