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Центр методической работы и информационных технологий в сфере образования

Социально-деловая среда Agartu


Дворец школьников

Все новости

Modal of criteria assessment technology and using of reading technology

The 9th of November, 2016 was a seminar for primary school teacher which named “Modal of criteria assessment  technology and using of reading technology”.

  1. Sh. Ilyasova has been beginning at this course “Orleu IPK”. There were 25. This seminar is opened by A. E. Esengalieva.

The first lesson was in the 1 “Б” form in teaching grammar, the second lesson was in the 1 “Ғ” form in mathematics.  D. Zh. Bazarbekova and G. B. Kurmankina using this technology. The pupils were good at this lesson. It was a couching which named “Pupils’ project” by Isakhmetova E. T. and Nazarova  A. K.   

Couching aims:

Pupils activity at this lesson;

  • To form every pupils’ skills, habits and interesting;
  • To show teachers to evaluate evaluation methods every pupils;

In couching pupils did tasks and protect their tasks with group. After seminar they discussed and talk their opinions. Seminar was great. I wish colleagues success in their work!


The leader of primary school’s teacher:                        Zh. D. Seksenbaeva

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